Hearth Literary Study Days are run by Hearth Centre director Polly Wright with a guest host. These collaborative events give you the opportunity to explore notable classic literature and the art behind them. We will be hosting a programme of Literary Study Days in early 2020. Updates coming soon!

Previous Events
Literary Study Day – ‘When Paula Met Charlotte’

How did one of the greatest artists of the 21st century respond to one of the greatest writers of the 19th? On 13 April 2019 at the Birmingham Midland Institute (BMI) The Hearth Centre’s director Polly Wright and poet and artist Margaret Markworthy presented Paula Rego’s 25 extraordinary lithographs of Jane Eyre, and read extracts from the nation’s favourite novel.
This included a 45 minute dual presentation of pictures and words, including readings from Bronte’s Jane Eyre and an analysis of Rego’s illustrations and how they relate to the book. The presentation was followed by group activities in which participants were given the opportunity to reflect on Rego’s bold and often outrageous take on Bronte’s much loved classic novel, which was also regarded as shocking in its time.