Verbosity: A tale of words
2020. Black lives matter. Jesus was not white. Stuck in doors, locked down. Coronavirus. Pandemic. Covid-19. A madman shouting his mouth off: The China. Chinese Flu. Chinese Plague. Kung Flu. The gift from China.
“So, I said to my people slow the testing down. Testing is frankly over-rated.”
Fake news. Highest number of deaths in the world. Wash Your Hands.
“Stop counting. Counting increases the numbers.”
African-Americans. I can’t breathe. Build that wall. Drink or inject bleach. Misinformation. Freedom of speech. Unprecedented times. Positive testing. Increased cases. New out-break. 111. Contactless. Less contact. No contact.
Pasta panic. No toilet rolls. Road-side drop off. Wash your hands. Face coverings. High risk. Clinically vulnerable. Extremely clinically vulnerable. A-symptomatic. Herd immunity. Get it over with. Solidarity. No Justice. No Peace. No mass protests. Keep your distance. Walk, cycle or drive. Working from home. Don’t go to work. Go to work. No commuting. Avoid public transport. Wash your hands. Doctors closed. Universities closed. Libraries Closed. Shops closed. Restaurants closed. Banks closed. Cash-less society. On-line surgery. On-line courses. Virtual tutorials. Increased on-line library resources. Students stressed out:
“They want to go back to actual lecture rooms. They want to be in-person with their TA’s and the professors, learning in-person.”
Avoid mass gatherings. PPE. ICU bed shortage. Test and Trace. Track and Trace. Click and Collect. At ‘High risk’ letter from the NHS. Moderate risk. Risk of Transmission. B.A.M.E. Stay Home. Save Lives. Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has any of the following: a high temperature, a new continuous cough, a loss of, or change to your sense of smell or taste. Staycation. Fourteen-day quarantine. Air bridges. Traffic lights. Travel corridors. Sanitisers.70+ Wash your hands. Twenty seconds or happy birthday twice. Illegal parties. Do not meet friends or family not from your own household. Groups of six. Family and Friends. Support Bubbles. Elbow-to-elbow. Take a knee. Eight minutes and forty-six seconds. Animals and Thugs. Schools closed. Schools Open. Schools Closed. No Vaccine. I can’t breathe. Unyielding knee. Symptomatic. Thursdays 20:00 BST. Happy Clapping. NHS 72nd Anniversary. Unfairly disadvantaged. Deprived. Disparity. Occupation. Ethnicity. Inequality. Agism. Sexism. Location. Obamacare. National Health Service staff get the clap every week. Memes go viral. Wash Your Hands. All carers and essential service providers also get the clap every week. Collective gratitude. Mass incarceration. Isolation. Self-isolation. Two metres apart. Self-shielding. Social distancing. Masks. I can’t breathe. Asphyxiated.
Second Spike. Taking liberties. Flouting social distancing. Mingling too much. Not observing isolation. Crapping on the beach. Drive-ins. Queues. Virtual Football. Zoom. And Gloom. Exercise in the park. Exercise on-line. Digital infrastructure for the long-term.
“You’ve been Furloughed!”
Wash Your Hands. Upsurge in internet use. Cloud based solutions. Death toll rises. Six feet apart, or under. Mourners are advised not to take part in rituals or practices that bring them into close contact with the deceased. Cough into your elbow. Pubs closed. Alcohol. Alcoholics. Depression. Mental exhaustion.
“Working from home will become a sustained fixture of working life.”
Numbers increasing exponentially. Socialising safely outdoors. Wear facial cover. Wash your hands. Stay Alert. Save and protect. George Floyd.
“When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
Death in police custody. Global outcry. Police brutality. Civil Rights. Excessive use of force. Taser. The new normal. Economic crisis. Bake Bread. Grow your own vegetables. Community. Volunteering. NHS. Service providers. Care workers. Key workers. Essential workers. Doctors. Cleaners. Teachers. Vital Roles. Refuse collectors. Bus drivers. Taxi drivers. Delivery drivers. Reduction in pollution. Reduction in free movement. Reduction in fuel consumption. Reduction in production. Gross domestic product. Defund. Wuhan. Woke. I have a dream: Statues fall from their pedestals. King Leopold II. Edward Colston. Robert E Lee. Gone with the wind. GlastHOMEbury festival. Don’t stand so close to me. I can’t breathe. Gatherings of more than 30 people will be prohibited, apart from some limited circumstances to be set out in law. Wash Your Hands. Four-day-week to boost the economy. A change is gonna come. 4th July.
“A & E doctors plead with England’s pub-goers not to get ‘plastered’.”
Food Parcels. Eat-out-to-help-out. 50% off Monday to Wednesday. Wear a Mask. £100 fine. 45,738. Over The Rainbow.
Watch this space.
Kashmir Tutt