Turning the Page

I will turn the page and go now and go to a place not here, where dragons live and battles rage and peace comes dropping slow… Edited by Mandy Ross and Polly Wright, reading for Well-Being is proud to present Turning the Page, a collection of new poetry written by  mental health service users, shown alongside…

Poem in Your Pocket 3 – Turning the Page

Come to an evening of popular, stress-busting poems, read by our team of trained readers from the Hearth Centre’s resoundingly successful Reading for Well-Being project. To celebrate the launch of poetry anthology, Turning The Page, there will be readings of some of the published poems by well-known writers. Bring your own ‘poem in your pocket’ along and it…

November 6th 2013: Poem in Your Pocket @ the Bedlam the Festival of Mad Ideas

6th November 2013: Poem in Your Pocket Do you have a favourite poem which you always turn to in good and bad times? If so, come to a reading of popular Stress Busting poems by a team of trained readers from the Hearth Centre’s incredibly successful Speaking Out project. The project uses literature to spark conversations…